Building The Perfect Pair Of Glasses Begins With The Lens


When shopping for glasses, many choose to first find frames that are flattering in appearance. However, seeing well through them ultimately depends on the lens and coating options you select. Once you have an idea of what is available, you will be able to effortlessly wear your stylish new eyewear.

Plastic: A Basic and Economic Choice

Although most lenses today are made of this material, lens options called plastic refer to a basic lens. It is the most economical option and usually contains some scratch resistance. Though they are much lighter than traditional glass lenses, these are the heaviest of all plastic lenses, so you may wish to consider this factor if it is necessary for you to wear glasses all day.

Polycarbonate is Light and Durable

Polycarbonate lenses are even lighter than regular plastic lenses while maintaining scratch resistance. They are a solid choice for those who may be prone to dropping or damaging glasses. They also usually have a UV coating for protection from the sun's rays.

Anti-glare Reduces Reflections for Comfortable Wear

Though it is built in to some lens types, you may be asked if you wish to add an anti-glare coating to the lenses you select for an additional charge. Though it is not required to achieve optimal vision in most everyday situations, this extra is useful when working in front of a computer for an extended period or for night-time driving, where glare and reflections may become a problem. Your eye doctor may also recommend this depending on your lifestyle.

Photochromic Lenses are Like Owning 2 Pairs of Glasses in 1

For those who must wear glasses throughout the day, you may opt for photochromic lenses to act as sunglass when outside. There are several different brands, but they all work the same way by changing color when exposed to sunlight. You may choose from different colors including grey and brown. Though they quickly change color upon stepping outdoors, they may be slow to change back to clear depending on the type of lighting used inside.

Other Options

Besides the above lens enhancements, you can also add other properties to make your new glasses even easier to wear. Some places offer a special coating that resists fingerprints and other unwanted materials that make lenses collect dirt. Also, you may wish to think about adding an anti-fog coating if this has been a problem with glasses in the past. These and other extras are available at most eyeglass makers.  

Once you have found the perfect frames that suit your style, take a bit of time to think about how you will be wearing the glasses. From a basic plastic lens for reading to those that resist dirt, there are a range of add-ons to ensure your new glasses meet your needs. Speak with an optician or eye doctor, such as those found at Bergh-White Opticians, Inc., to see what is best for you.


7 April 2015

Learning About Eye Exams

Hi there, I am Sophie Moye. I would like to help you learn what to expect during your yearly eye exam. Whether you have perfect vision or need corrective lenses, you must have an eye exam performed on a regular basis. The eye exam also identifies health problems that show symptoms through your eye condition. Furthermore, your eye doctor can create a vision baseline that can be used to gauge loss or improvement in the future. I hope to discuss the tools and techniques used to complete the eye exam. I will also discuss symptoms that eye doctors look for during the exams. My site will cover all of the health conditions that can be diagnosed using an eye exam. Thank you for your time.