Got A Black Eye? When You Should See Your Eye Doctor About It


If you have been hit in the eye and have a black eye, you may be fine. If you start developing worsening symptoms, however, call your eye doctor for an appointment.

Signs of a Serious Injury

Besides the normal black and blue that happens when you have a black eye, there are some more serious signs you should learn to watch out for. Some of these signs include:

  • Loss of sight in your affected eye
  • Inability to move your eye
  • Double vision
  • Severe redness on the eye surface
  • Pus drainage from the eye
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eyeball pain

See your eye doctor for these problems. They can go over the treatment options with you. Besides treatment, the doctor will likely suggest bed rest and keeping your head elevated. This will encourage the blood to settle. They will ask you to purchase over the counter eye drops or write you a subscription for stronger eye drops if the irritation is very bad. These eye drops will dilate your pupil, which reduces the inflammation.

The doctor will likely measure the pressure in your eye for the first few days after your injury. You may have decreased vision, eye pain, and nausea if you start building up pressure. If pressure is found, there are special eye drops the doctor can prescribe for you. Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be suggested to help with bleeding under the skin.

If you have bleeding in your eye, the doctor may prescribe you an aminocaproic acid. This drug stops blood from clotting. If these do not help, you may need to have the blood surgically drained.

Detached Retina

If there was blunt force to your eye, you could have a detached retina. If so, you will have loss of sight in that eye. The doctor will shine a bright light behind your eye to diagnose this problem. If they find your retina is detached, they may be able to reattach it using various treatments, such as cryopexy (freezing therapy) and lasers. If these treatments do not work, you will have to have surgery to correct the problem.

Stuck Contact Lens

if you were wearing contact lenses when you were struck, it may have gotten lost in your eye. You can first try to get the contact lens out yourself before visiting the eye doctor. Put a few drops of your contact lens rewetting drops in your eye, and then massage your eyelid while your eye is closed. The lens may then move to the right position of your eye so you can remove it. Place the lens in its holder and place some drops on it to clean it before putting it back in your eye. If you are not able to remove the lens yourself, your eye doctor will be able to get it out for you.

While your eye is healing, the eye doctor may place a protective shield over the affected eye to prevent any further injury while you are healing. If you have any questions, contact Bass River Optometrics.


30 June 2015

Learning About Eye Exams

Hi there, I am Sophie Moye. I would like to help you learn what to expect during your yearly eye exam. Whether you have perfect vision or need corrective lenses, you must have an eye exam performed on a regular basis. The eye exam also identifies health problems that show symptoms through your eye condition. Furthermore, your eye doctor can create a vision baseline that can be used to gauge loss or improvement in the future. I hope to discuss the tools and techniques used to complete the eye exam. I will also discuss symptoms that eye doctors look for during the exams. My site will cover all of the health conditions that can be diagnosed using an eye exam. Thank you for your time.