3 Ways To Know If Your Child Is Ready For Contact Lenses


Your child's been badgering you for months to let them switch from eyeglasses to contact lenses. While you understand your child's reasons for wanting them, you still worry that they aren't ready for the care that contact lenses requires. If you're on the fence and need help deciding, consider the three tips below.

1. Your Child Can Handle the Initial Contact Consultaion

Your child may know about contact lenses and the benefits they offer, but they may not fully understand the process involved in putting them in and caring for them. A visit to your child's optometrist for the initial contact consultation can bring clarity, for you and your child.

After your child's vision is examined and their eyes are measured for the lenses, your child's optometrist will teach your child insertion and removal techniques. While it can take a while for even adults to master, during this appointment your child may find that they're too squeamish for the process and decide against them.  

2. Your Child is Clean and Hygienic Without Constant Reminders

Children of all ages require the occasional reminder to brush their teeth or put on deodorant, but if your child is generally good about their hygienic care routine, they may be ready for the responsibilities involved in caring for contacts.

Unlike the stinky breath or body odor that results from your child forgetting to brush their teeth or put on their deodorant, failure to properly clean or replace contact lenses can lead to serious health issues. If your child is still enthused with contact lenses after the initial consultation, discuss the importance of proper care and the consequences that can occur without it.

3. Your Child Successfully Handles a Trial Run

The great thing about contact lenses is that they are usually only one month supplies. This makes it much easier to return to eyeglasses with minimal financial consequence if contact lenses aren't what your child thought.

While you may feel compelled to hover during this trial period, it's important to see how your child handles the daily care without your guidance. Let your child know that they can always come to you with any questions – as that's the mature thing to do if overwhelmed – and that you're there to assist if needed. If your child's trial run is a success, your fears will be greatly reduced and your child's confidence will soar.

Even when your child has proven their part, it can still be difficult to become excited about the idea of contact lenses. If you're still worried about your child's use of contact lenses, consult with your child's optometrist like one from Martin Eye Clinic, P.C. to answer all of your questions and ease your anxieties. 


29 August 2015

Learning About Eye Exams

Hi there, I am Sophie Moye. I would like to help you learn what to expect during your yearly eye exam. Whether you have perfect vision or need corrective lenses, you must have an eye exam performed on a regular basis. The eye exam also identifies health problems that show symptoms through your eye condition. Furthermore, your eye doctor can create a vision baseline that can be used to gauge loss or improvement in the future. I hope to discuss the tools and techniques used to complete the eye exam. I will also discuss symptoms that eye doctors look for during the exams. My site will cover all of the health conditions that can be diagnosed using an eye exam. Thank you for your time.