How Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Can Steal Away Your Vision


Age-related vision problems often come on slowly and without you noticing until vision problems become severe. Macular degeneration is one of these diseases that can cause permanent vision loss and even blindness. Here is what you need to know about AMD and how to stay ahead of this eye disease before it impacts your vision.

Two Forms With Different Symptoms

At the center of the back of your eye over the retina is a spot called the macula. This is the area responsible for your central vision. Age-related macular degeneration comes in two forms which affect this area of your vision.

Wet AMD - Small blood vessels with weak walls form over the macula. They allow fluid to leak out onto the surface of the retina. As the fluid collects on the retina, your central vision becomes blurry. It may start very slowly as objects become slightly out of focus and you may compensate by buying a pair of reading glasses. This may continue with you buying even more powerful glasses until you realize that there is a major problem with your vision.

Dry AMD - This form of AMD causes yellow, dry deposits to accumulate on the macula. As the deposits become thicker, you'll begin to notice dark spots in your central vision where the light is being blocked from reaching the retina. Eventually, dry AMD will block your central vision with a dark mass.

Treating AMD

There is no cure for AMD, so treatment is focused on preventing further damage to your eyesight. It is important to see your optometrist as soon as you detect any changes in your vision. They will check for AMD and offer treatments to slow down the progression. Your treatment options depend on the form of AMD that you manifested.

Wet AMD Treatments

Injections Into the Eye - A medication can be injected directly into the eye which slows down or stops the development of the weak blood vessels. These injections may need to be done periodically to keep the disease in check.

Injections Into the Bloodstream - Once this medication makes its way to the blood vessels in your eye, your doctor shines a special light into your eye which activates the drug. This medication causes the blood vessels to dry up. The fluid leak stops and your body reabsorbs those blood vessels. This treatment may also need to be done periodically.

Laser surgery - Your eye doctor can use a tiny laser directed onto the surface of the retina to dry up the weak blood vessels.

Dry AMD Treatments

This form of AMD is harder to treat because there is no specific target for the treatment.

Changes in diet - Your doctor may recommend changes to your diet that have shown to reduce the dry material that develops on the macula. These include foods rich in the vitamins A, C, and E. Foods high in zinc and copper may also slow down the progress.

Laser surgery - A tiny laser can be used to clear away some of the deposits on the macula. The use of this treatment may increase your risk of developing wet AMD.

Contact a company like Arizona Eye Specialists for more information.


15 February 2016

Learning About Eye Exams

Hi there, I am Sophie Moye. I would like to help you learn what to expect during your yearly eye exam. Whether you have perfect vision or need corrective lenses, you must have an eye exam performed on a regular basis. The eye exam also identifies health problems that show symptoms through your eye condition. Furthermore, your eye doctor can create a vision baseline that can be used to gauge loss or improvement in the future. I hope to discuss the tools and techniques used to complete the eye exam. I will also discuss symptoms that eye doctors look for during the exams. My site will cover all of the health conditions that can be diagnosed using an eye exam. Thank you for your time.